- Available on the market high-purity, colloids of gold and silver are extremely expensive, have serious limitations on storage and use, and are characterized by a low therapeutic effect.
- NTMET Colloid Technology allows the production of highly concentrated, stable gold and silver colloids (“NTMET Colloids”) without toxic impurities and ions of gold and silver:
- High purity of particles and amino acid stabilization of the surface characteristic of NTMET Colloids and a specific ratio of particles to the capping agent address the traditional problems of toxic impurities and metal ions and ensure a high therapeutic effect. NTMET Colloid Technology utilizes l as a capping agent a low-molecular-weight organic amino acid, that is one of the building blocks for proteins and possesses antioxidant properties that help fight collagen-destroying free radicals.
- Advantages of Novotech’s colloids:
-High concentration of nanoparticles,
-Narrow size distribution of colloidal particles (~ ±10%),
-With a ratio of metal particles to capping agent ~ 1:1, uniform and stable coating,
-High stability and good biocompatibility,
-Non-toxic and non-allergenic.
- The low production cost of NTMET Colloids (many times lower compared to existing production methods), as well as highly sought-after consumer properties will allow to significantly expand the range of products containing them. NTMET Colloids do not contain metal ions, are stable, and the presence of amino acid modification on their surface has a positive effect on the consumer properties of products containing them. Amino acid modification of NTMET Colloids improves their penetration through the skin; provides stability and moisturizing properties; stimulates cell regeneration, restoration of skin damage, anti-inflammatory properties, increased elasticity and firmness of the skin, collagen production and activation of skin metabolism.
- Aqueous solutions of NTMET Colloids are also an effective and safe alternative to traditional artificial preservatives, inhibiting the growth of mold, fungi, or bacteria in the product. Increases the shelf life of the product.